Thursday, July 7, 2011

Size Me Up, Baby

Since I kinda-sorta-in-a-way did a tutorial yesterday by showing you where/what I'm doing for my business cards and stickers, I thought I would just tell you a little bit about my day...

Well last night, I was helping my friend Rachel over at Peep Toes and Pacifiers get her blog all set up and looking pretty...then of COURSE I had to make a new layout for STLC too.... wellllll that had me up at the grand hour of 4 am....alright so then my mother wakes me up at 9:45am (thanks Mom) and I did a bunch of running around with her,  then we came home and I went to lunch with my sister and her boyfriend.

Well, it turns out that my sister got invited to go to dinner with her boyfriend and his parents, at first thinking that they were going to their country club for dinner...well of course my incredibly hilarious 16-year-old sister FLIPS out, so I told her of course I would help her chose an outfit for said outing (because what kind of sister would I be if I didn't, I ask you??)  Little did I know this would turn into an hour-and-a-half ordeal....trying on shirt after shirt and dress after dress...

This one's too big!
That one's too hot!

Let me tell you, holy cow....I've never been a terribly dressy person...I mean...I'll wear a dress if it's an absolute MUST (wedding, funeral, etc)...but besides that, jeans are my BEST friend!!!  And high heels, FORGET IT. You're truly a blessed person if you have seen me in heels (and especially so if you've lived to tell the tale...clumsy is an understatement for me..). was truly hilarious and I don't think I've ever heard so many sighs before as I did from her boyfriend.  xD    ....they ended up going to a Thai restaurant, so it was all in vain, but still...I don't think I'll forget that any time soon!

Later, I rode along with my mom to get my little brother from a friend's house in Greensboro so that I could get some of my laundry and check my mail...well the package I've been waiting for for a couple of days arrived!!!!

It's a ring sizing set so I can finally add the totally rad rings I've been working on to STLC!!!!  I needed this so someone could (for instance) ask for a size 6 ring and I could make them the size they want in the ring they chose! after I was done geeking out about that...oh who am I kidding? I'm STILL geeking out about it!!  I've made about 15 rings tonight (in varying sizes of course)!  haha

Finally back to work tomorrow after being off since Sunday!  I don't know if I can deal...eesh!

Hope everything in your neck of the woods is crafty as always!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you and your ring sizer :) I definitely thing you're going to be selling rings quicker than you can make them! <3
