Today (my only day off this week) I finally got some things accomplished.
For starters our internet finally works properly (thanks a ton Time Warner). The only competent person they have working there came and fixed it early this morning. Now I'm just crossing my fingers it stays fixed!
I got my financial aid requirements turned in, my school health insurance waived, and my parking pass bought (no searching for parking/moving/re-moving my car this year!!).
Additionally, I got to spend some time with my mom and sister, I made dinner and we watched No Strings Attached (truly hilarious, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!).
I also got laundry done, folded/hung up, and put away!
Oh AND I got the new jeans I've been waiting for in the mail. Although, only one pair fit, so it's off to the post office for me in the morning since I'm not letting that $55 on the 2nd pair go to waste. But at least I have some new pants for work tomorrow (thank God).
I feel pretty good about everything I got done today! Check, check, and quadruple check on all of that!!
Just wishing I had a glass of wine to celebrate..but that's alright.
I hope you all were equally productive today (but if not, that's perfectly fine too!).
Sounds like a busy day! <3